Chess Club will meet Thursday, November 18, after school in Miss Swiderski’ s room, 153! Have a ride by 4:20 or take the activity bus! Happy Chess!
Be sure to come to the Science Club meeting after school until 4:20 at South in Mrs. Bruno's room 221. We will be playing around with electricity. It's gonna be lit!
Math Club will meet again this Thursday after school in Mrs. Gain’s room 122 at North! Join for a fun scavenger hunt around the building!
Viking Gamer Club for 7th & 8th graders is meeting Friday from 3:30-5:20. Come level up your gameplay before fall break!
Leo’s Club’s next meeting will take place after school until 5:00 in the foods room where we will make pumpkin pies and discuss the breakfast with Santa event. Don’t forget to turn in your Chance for Sight raffle tickets and money.
Creative Writing Club’s meeting for today has been cancelled and will meet at South in room 265 on Thursday, November 18th, afterschool instead. Contact Ms. Riley if you have any questions.
FCA will meet again Friday at North. Meet in the downstairs collaborative learning space at 7:45 AM for fun, fellowship, and donuts!
GMSS will be collecting new and unused toys for the Holiday Toy Drive! GMSS Student Council has been donating toys to Lutheran General Hospital for five years! You can bring all books and toys to the designated box in your team center by Friday, December 17th. You can purchase a great selection of books at the Scholastic Book Fair this week! Due to germs, all items must be new and unused and stuffed animals cannot be accepted.