Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle winners are Mackenzie Collins, Kathryn Marconi, Zach Evans, Jillian Bultmann, and Daisy Ruiz. Staff winners are Mrs. Benhart, Mr. Sempsrott, and Mrs. MacDonald. Congratulations! Stop in the library to claim your prize.
The final count for last week’s food drive is as followed:
6White= 318
7Blue= 486
7White= 1,023
8White= 1,286
8Blue= 1,317
6Blue= 2,345
That is a total of 6,757 items! We surpassed our goal of 3,000 items! We are helping so many families within our communities. A million thanks!
It is time to announce our Red Ribbon Week Door Decoration winners! Our judges have spoken and the top three doors in the building are Ms. Riley on 6 white, Mrs. Benhart on 8 Blue, and Mrs. Sweeney on 8 white. Honorable mention to Mrs. Dirk and Mr. Foulkes first hour classes. It was very close! Great job to all who participated!!
Epic Air Intramural will be Thursday, November 11th! Meet in the guidance office at 3:30 to be bused from GMSS. You will need to be picked up from Epic Air at 6:20. Cost is $15.00 and includes 2 hours of activity and socks. Space is limited so be sure to get your permission slips in early! You can pick one up in the main office.
Viking Alliance will meet again Thursday, November 4th, from 3:30-4:20. See Mrs. Rolf if you have any questions!
Social Studies Club meets again today after school. Meet in Mr. Fader's room until 4:25. All are welcome!
The next science club meeting is tomorrow after school until 4:20. This meeting will be at North in Mrs. Benjamins room 121. Hope to see you there!!