Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle winners are Noah Yung, Phoebe Law, Keira McCann, Hudson VanKleeck, and Hamza Faruqi. Staff winners include Mrs. Spring, Mrs. Oros, and Mrs. Johnson. Congratulations! Stop by the library to claim your prize!
Breakfast and Bingo will be back again tomorrow morning! Join Student Council at 7:50 in the morning for some fun and food. Breakfast will be provided and is free to all who come and play. We will be in the cafeteria on Tuesday from 7:50 - 8:30. Come win some awesome prizes!!
Attention Viking Gamers - All club t-shirt order forms are due in the Main Office by this Friday. You can pick up extra order forms from Mr. Rhea or the front office, but make sure to get your orders turned in before the end of the week.