Leo’s Club will meet after school today for those who could not make it to the last meeting. We are planning a fundraiser for Ukraine. Meet in Ms. Beyer’s room.
Check out the Science Club meeting at South in Mrs. Bruno's room 221 after school until 4:20. We will be doing an engineering challenge. Come build up some fun!
Attention 6th Graders - Viking Gamer Club is meeting this Friday from 3:30-5:20. Please make sure that you have planned a ride home or you may take the activity bus home.
FCA will meet this Friday, March 18, at South at 7:45 AM. Come join us for some faith and friendship! Contact Ms. Beyer if you have any questions!
The next Creative Writing Club meeting will be Thursday, March 17th. It will be in Ms. Riley’s room at GMSS, room 265 from 3:30-4:25pm. There is no meeting today or next Tuesday.
Bowling Intramural students please meet outside the guidance office after school today.
Help sustain Ukraine with Pennies for Peace! Geneva Middle School South is having a friendly team competition to help raise money for the people of Ukraine. Bring your pennies and place in your team’s designated container in the library from March 18-March 25 to help get positive points for your team. Bring your silver coins to place in another team’s container to sabotage their chance of winning! The team with the most positive points will win donuts! All donations will be sent to the Lion’s Club International Foundation- Refugees and Displaced Persons.
Attention all students, tomorrow during lunch you will complete a routine bus evacuation drill. When you go to lunch tomorrow, you will put your things down at your table and then immediately head out of the cafeteria doors to board a bus. The bus driver will do a quick drill and then you will return to the cafeteria to eat your lunch. We recommend bringing a packed lunch this day if possible, to keep the waiting time in lunch line down, but hot lunch will still be available.
Geneva Dance Team will be hosting Dance Prep Clinics to get yourself ready for tryouts! Clinics are open to 6th-8th graders. Check your emails for more information on how to sign up!