Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle winners are Jaden Davenport, Sophie Curshellas, Aaron Medina, Emma Chudzick, and Jaslene Martinez. Staff winners are Mrs. Bruno, Mrs. Tomczak, and Mr. Sempsrott. Congratulations! Stop in the library to claim your prize!
Read Across America Week is here! Tomorrow is ‘College Ready’ day, so wear your favorite college shirt to celebrate reading and diversity! Wednesday, be a hero for “Read & Choose Kind” day and dress as your favorite superhero or invent your own. Also, join us in the library at lunch to make a kindness craft!
Social Studies Club meets afterschool today until 4:20 in Mr. Fader’s room in 8W!
LEO's Club will meet tomorrow from 3:25-4:25 in Ms. Beyer's room. We will plan our next event with Geneva Lions Club and other community projects. Please email Ms. Beyer for more information
Chess Club will meet this Thursday after school in the library. Email Miss Swiderski for more information. See you there!
Art Club will meet after school today upstairs in the art room! If you have any questions, contact Mr. Kristofer.
The spring musical is here, and the cast and crew are ready to show you what they've got! Grab a friend and come watch Beauty and the Beast Jr. this Friday and Saturday here at South. The show starts at 7 PM and is free for students.