Last week’s Wheel of Fortune puzzle winners are Mia Petrucci, Elsa Gutzmann, Olivia Coalter, Kate Hupke, and Deanna Tira. Staff winners include Mrs. Spring, Mrs. Schutz, and Ms. Krahulec. Congratulations! Stop in the library to claim your prize!
Head over to the next Science Club meeting tomorrow, March 1st, at North in Mrs. Benjamins room 121 after school until 4:20. We will be creating cartesian divers. It will be a gas!
7th graders, if you have not submitted your 8th grade elective selection for next school year, please make sure to speak with your parent/guardian. Selections are due tomorrow!
Congratulations to author Dan Gemeinhart. His third novel, The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise is South's choice for the 2022 Rebecca Caudill Award. Will Illinois vote the same way? Stay tuned!
The following students won Shamrock shakes in a library drawing. Please come and collect your prize. Thomas Archbold, Kathryn Davison, Brady Houck, Mira Meyers, Bea Millard, and David Udoiwod.
Art Club will meet afterschool today in the art room!
Spring athletics begin on Monday, March 14. Boys’ volleyball is open to 6th-8th graders and track and field is open to 7th-8th graders. Online registration must be completed, and a current physical must be on file in the main office. If you have additional questions, feel free to ask the main office.
8th grade students, Geneva High School cheer tryouts for the 22/23 school year will take place May 16-18th from 5-7 PM in the Mark Olsen Gym at the high school. Pay attention to your email for more information regarding sign-up.