Lights! Camera! Action! It’s time for 6th grade play auditions. This year’s show is The Snow White Variety Show. Auditions are after school on Tuesday, August 31st and Wednesday, September 1st in the cafeteria. Sign up for an audition date and pick up an audition packet from the main office or the table in the 6 Blue Team Center next to Ms. Poppen’s office. See Mr. Tatar or Ms. Poppen for more information.
Wednesday, September 1st is the Activity Fair here at GMSS! Stop by the library from 8:00-8:30 before school to check out the exciting clubs and activties that are planned for this year! This is a great opportunity to try new things and meet new people!
Attention 7th and 8th graders: Do you play piano, guitar, or bass and have an interest in playing Jazz music? Consider joining the GMS South Jazz Band. Simply stop by the band room on your way to lunch anytime in the next week and let Mr. Flaks know that you are interested and to get more information.
Do you like to draw and paint? Art club is for you! Students will design and create their own Art projects and put on an Art show. All students are invited. Permission slips are in the art room and in the main office.