The Art Show at the high school was awesome, thanks to everyone who came out! Congratulations to our Best in Show winners: Caitlin Marshall, Drew Hosman and Aaron Hosman! All artwork from the show should be picked up in Mr. Kristofer 's room.
The Leo’s Club don’t forget you have your Cookie Exchange meeting after school in Mrs. Beyer’s room 223.
is going to be Holiday Bling Day!
is the day to wear every flashy, sparkly, blinking, jingling, and tacky holiday
thing you own! There will be winner selected from each team.
Auditions for the 7th
and 8th grade musical, Aladdin are coming up after break on Tuesday,
January 7th and Thursday, January 9th. Be sure to stop by the office to sign up for
an audition time and an audition packet.
Only four days left of the Student Council Toy Drive, so while you’re out doing your last-minute shopping this week be sure to pick up a toy for a child at Lutheran General Hospital.
This Thursday is the Student Council holiday movie night! Don’t forget to bring a little money to buy snacks while you watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Fine forgiveness is happening in the library this week. Stop by and make a snowman for a nursing home resident and earn a fine forgiveness dollar. If you don’t have any fines, come anyway and spread some cheer.
Writer’s Club is having its Winter Celebration here at South in room 265 today until 4:20.
Last week’s Library Wheel of Fortune winners are Finn Weppner, Olivia Uhlmann, and Brady McMillen. Be
sure to stop by the library to pick up your prize!
the Sports Desk
The 7th Grade Boys Basketball B Team wrapped up
their regular season last week with an 8 point, hard-fought victory over Rotolo
Middle School. Pacing the Vikings was Christian Novay, who led the team
with 11 points. Daniel Davis scored 7, while Brody Pyfer, Will Peterson,
and Luke Frieders all chipped in 4 points. The Vikings start their conference
tournament today at 4:15 against their rivals from the North so come on out and
support your classmates!