The library Wheel of Fortune puzzle winners from
last week were Andrew LaCost, Jackson Raby, Wyatt Curry and Miss Wierenga. Congratulations winners! Be sure to see Mrs. Burkitt or Mrs. Fedor in
the library to claim your prize.
Social Studies Club is meeting today
for the third annual trivia competition.
Student Council is meeting before
school tomorrow at 8:00am.
Writer’s Club is NOT meeting
tomorrow after school but will meet next Tuesday, January 21st at
Science Club is meeting on Thursday
after school for Cowtapult Part 1.
the Sports Desk
7th and 8th grade girls’ basketball tryouts are
today. If you are not 100% sure that you have a current physical on file and
that you have been registered on 8 to18 by a parent, be sure to stop by the
office today to check.