Clear your calendar this weekend and make plans to see the 6th grade play Alice@ Wonderland.
Performances for Alice@Wonderland will take place tomorrow night and Saturday night, and the show begins at 7pm. GMSS students get in free with a student ID and tickets are ONLY $5 for everyone else.
The Variety Show is just
around the corner. Auditions begin next week and are open to all grade
levels. Sign up in the Main Office this week for an audition time. See
Mr. Japlon in 7W with any questions.
Chess Club don’t forget
you have a meeting today at North. Meet in the South library after school walk
over to North together. See Miss Swiderski in 8W for more information.
Basketball and cheerleading tryouts
and wrestling practice all start on Monday, so be sure you are registered on
8to 18 and have a current physical on file. Better safe than sorry, so if you’re
not sure, come to the office and we can check.
All 7th grade boys who are interested in playing
basketball, there is going to be an open gym tomorrow after school until 4:20.
Tomorrow is Clean Sweep Friday, so
plan to come a little early to clean up your locker.
Have you seen the chip
bag recycling boxes in the cafeteria and the pen, pencil and marker recycling
boxes in your team center? Wondering how those got there? Join the
Green Team to learn more about ways we can help the Earth here at school.
Our next meeting is after school on Wednesday, October 23rd until 4:30 in Mrs. Brady's room in the 6W team center.
week is Red Ribbon Week and to help celebrate, we’re going to have a spirit
wear theme each day. First up on Monday
will be Pajama Day! Check out the posters around school for the rest of the
week’s themes.
October 25th is Picture Retake Day!
If you were absent for picture day, here’s your chance to get your
picture taken. If you don’t like the
first picture and you ordered a packet, just bring that packet to school on
Friday, turn it in and get a new picture taken!