The library Wheel of Fortune puzzle of the week
winners from last week are Alexis Hobart, Neil Gadbury, Charlotte Nowak, and
the teacher winner is Lisa Hawks ?? white'> Stage Crew for this years’ musical will be meeting today at
3:30 in Mrs. Tomczak’s room 111.
Viking Gamer Club is meeting
today from 3:30-5:30 in the Old Up Lab. Please be sure to have arranged for a ride
home or plan to take the activity bus home.
Writer’s Club tomorrow
here at South
FCA Thursday am at North
Wired Crew Thursday
after school at North
Chess Club is also
meeting Thursday after school right here at South
Attention 8th graders, just
a reminder, high school elective forms and course change forms are due
Wednesday in the guidance office. If you have any questions, please see Mrs.
Rolf in guidance.
This is the last week to order the Australia
tees that are helping the animals in Australia affected by the wildfires. This is a seriously cool tee for an amazing
cause. And, there is going to be a day
at the end of February for everyone to wear their Australia tees, so be sure to
order yours next week before it’s too late!
Art club is back! Art
Club has a brand-new session starting on Monday February 10th. All students are invited. Permissions slips are due February 7th
and are available in the office or the art room.
The Harry Potter intramural starts this Thursday, and permission
slips are due on Wednesday.
Cookie Creations will start next week on Tuesday, February 11th
and permission slips are due on the 10th.
the Sports Desk
The 8th grade girls’ basketball team played in
the Kaneland Harter tournament this weekend and took 3rd place. The girls took
down Yorkville, Kaneland, and Thompson on their way to a third-place
finish. Hope Ieler and Caroline Madden were named to the all-tournament