Writer’s Club is meeting today after school here at SouthFCA will be meeting on Thursday morning
at North
Wired Crew is having it’s first meeting of the school year this Thursday. Come and hear about some projects involving coding and robotics. Wired crew only meets for 6 weeks, but you’ll learn a lot of cool techy stuff in those six weeks. You can pick up some information from Mrs. Fedor in the library.
Chess Club is also meeting
Thursday after school right here at South
Attention 8th graders, just
a reminder, high school elective forms and course change forms are due TOMORROW
in the guidance office. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Rolf in
Art Club
has a brand-new session starting on Monday February 10th. Permissions slips are due Friday and are
available in the office or the art room.
The Harry Potter intramural starts this Thursday, and
permission slips are due tomorrow.
Cookie Creations will start next week on Tuesday, February
11th and permission slips are due on the 10th.
Only three more days left to order the Australia tees! This is such an easy way to support an amazing cause. Don’t get left out – grab an order form today!