Do you hear sleigh
bells? Christmas is only about three months away. And do you know what would be an awesome gift
for your mom, dad, grandma or your favorite uncle? A scarf or washcloth that YOU crocheted in
the Crochet Intramural! Adults LOVE
homemade stuff from our kids! So, pop into to the office and pick up a
permission slip soon!
Viking Gamer Club
will be starting this month. The first meeting will be held on Monday,
September 23rd after school in the Old Up Lab from 3:30-5:30. Students
need to get a "Club Sign-Up Sheet" from the main office in order to
participate. The "sign-up" sheet is due by next Friday,
September 20th in order to participate in the first session. Please see
Mr. Rhea if you have any questions.
Friday is our first Clean Sweep of the school year. We all know it doesn’t take long for those lockers to get messy, so plan to get here a little early on Friday to clean up that locker!
Social Studies
Club kicks off its first meeting with another Amazing Race! Compete
against teams to solve some of history's mysteries. The fastest, most
clever participants will take the prize. The first meeting of Social
Studies Club will be next Monday, September 23rd until 4:25 in Mr. Fader's room
in the 8 White team center. Be there to start the Amazing
Next week is a Spirit Wear week! Look
out for the flyers around school and stay tuned to these announcements later in
the week for details.
Did you know that September is National Hunger
Awareness Month? It takes all of us
working together to see that no one goes hungry. Wednesday is GO ORANGE DAY, so
wear orange to help raise awareness!
Tomorrow is the first Leo’s Club meeting of the school year. If you like to help people and make a difference in the world, this is the club for you!
the Sports Desk
past weekend, the 7th grade volleyball teams traveled to Batavia
Rotolo for their first tournament. The girls won two of their four matches and
finished fourth overall in the tournament. The highlight of the day came when
the girls defeated North in their third match. Standout performances from Ellie
Grantcharov, Sophia Broderick, and Kaitlyn Sprague led the team to their