Geneva employs Certified School Psychologists for the purpose of referral, evaluation, counseling, and expertise in the area of learning. The role of the School Psychologist has shifted over the past several years with the implementation of Response to Intervention. In addition to the duties listed above the School Psychologist, in collaboration with school teams, develops academic and behavior intervention plans, delivers interventions, collects and interprets data and consults with teachers regarding interventions.
Social Work
School Social Workers assess students' social and emotional functioning, including areas of self-concept, motivation, attitude toward school, peers, and teachers, and social skills. They serve as consultants to teachers and provide individual or group assistance to students. They often are the liaison between the school and the family. Similarly, they may help other school professionals work with families on matters such as gaining access to community health services. The School Social Worker often follows up on teacher reports of the suspected abuse or neglect of students. They provide individual assistance to students with emotional or behavioral difficulties who do not qualify for special education.
Speech and Language
Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are professionals who are trained to assess and treat individuals with communication disorders. The area of "communication" is broad and encompass five major categories. These are: articulation/phonological disorders, language disorders, fluency disorders, voice disorders, and pragmatic or social interaction disorders.
Within the school setting, the SLP educates teachers about potential communication difficulties, gathers referrals from teachers and parents, performs screenings and assessments of communication skills, and provides treatment for diagnosed areas of weakness. The SLP works in collaboration with the child’s teacher(s) to support the student within the classroom. To qualify for speech therapy in the school setting, the communication disorder must have an adverse impact on the child’s education.
Counseling and Advising
School Counselors provide a comprehensive program that addresses the personal/social, academic and post-secondary needs of all students. They encourage all students to participate in rigorous curriculum and engage in enrichment opportunities. School Counselors support the schools through academic guidance, social emotional counseling, liaison with classroom teachers, they support the teams with crisis response, and they are members of the school problem solving team.
The Certified School Nurse functions most directly in three areas affecting students: providing health services, health education, and maintaining a safe school environment. The Certified School Nurse also interacts with and can influence other aspects of the school system such as coordinating school health programs, i.e. mental health and social services, nutrition services, physical education/activity, family and community involvement as well as staff wellness. For more information, visit the Health Services Page.
Other Providers
District 304 provides other related services to students as identified in their IEPs. District 304 contracts services through the Mid-Valley Special Education Cooperative ( and the Northwestern Illinois Association ( These contract services include, but are not limited to, hearing and vision itinerant services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and orientation & mobility.