The Policy Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Education charged with reviewing existing policies and recommending changes where necessary, and also with proposing new policies for consideration by the Board. The Committee is advisory only, and all recommendations must be debated and voted upon by the Board itself.
The Committee is composed of four members: three voting Board members who each serve one term, from which group is elected a chairperson, and the non-voting Superintendent of Schools. During the Committee’s review process, it may also call upon other members of the District staff or administration for input on specific policies, but these individuals have no vote. All meetings are open to the public.
For 2023-25, Policy Committee members include Board members Molly Ansari, Stephanie Bellino (Chairperson), Willard C. Hooks, Jr. and Superintendent Andrew Barrett. Policy Committee meeting agendas are typically made available the Thursday prior to a meeting on BoardBook. Packets of information for a committee meeting are typically made available to the public on the Friday before the meeting on
The Policy Committee typically meets on the fourth Monday of each month, or as otherwise posted, at Coultrap Educational Services Center, 227 N. 4th Street. Please refer to
BoardBook for meeting times.