FOX VALLEY CAREER CENTER CLASSESJuniors and Seniors are eligible to enroll in classes offered by the Fox Valley Career Center. All students must use the bus provided for those courses that are taught at FVCC. All programs offer first and second-year-classes except Co-op, with the second year offering advanced material and specialized projects. The second year may include internships, on-the-job training and work-based experience. If preliminary courses are offered at the home school, they enhance the student's opportunity to be successful in the program of their choice.
Students can receive college credit from Waubonsee Community College or Elgin Community College for course work taken at Fox Valley Career Center if they meet the established guidelines. Students are exposed to post-secondary opportunities and can explore the various career advantages with the instructor or guidance counselor at the center.For more information contact the school counselor or the Fox Valley Career Center, 365-5113.
Waubonsee Community College awards college credit when learning experiences at the high school level duplicate those at the college level. Articulated credit enable students to receive advanced course placement, to save time and money, and avoid duplication of curriculum already learned in high school. Students must earn an A or B in the high school class and apply for credit within two years after graduation. The following is a list of courses at Geneva High School for which articulated credit can be earned. See your guidance counselor for the "College Credit Articulation Forms". For a complete list of requirements call the VALEES office at (630) 466-2474 or visit
Geneva High School | Waubonsee Community College | Credits |
Architectural Drafting I & II (1550) | Architectural Drafting (DRF 120) | 3 |
Computer Aided Drafting I & II (1200 &1245) | Basic Technical Drafting (MFT131) | 3 |
Computer I (B105) | Keyboarding (AOS 100) | 1 |
Computer II (B204) | Computer Software for the Office (AOS 110) and Beginning Word Processing (MCS 130) | 3 1 |
General Business (B111), Marketing I (B235), Marketing II (B240), Consumer Ed. (H710) | Introduction to Business (BUS 100) | 3 |
Fox Valley Career Center | Waubonsee Community College | Credits |
Automotive Technology II (I315) | Fund. of Automotive Tehnology (AUT100) | 2 |
Building Trades II (I325) | Construction Industry Internship (CMT298) | 2 |
Computer Aided Design/Drafting I (I251) | Blueprint Reading (MFT127) and Basic Technical Drafting (MFT131) and Beginning CAD Skills (MFT137) | 2 3 3 |
Computer Technology 1 PC Maintenance and Repair (I525) | PC Hardware Fundamentals (ELT171) and Intro to Microcomputer Hareware (CIS190) and Intro to Windows (MCS120) | 4 1 1 |
Computer Technology II Web Design and Network Administration | Intro to the Internet (WEB100) | 1 |
Early Childhood Education I (H205A) | Career Exploration in Early Childhood (ECE102) | 3 |
Early Childhood Education II (H305A) | Intro to Early Childhood (ECE101) | 3 |
Graphic Communications I (I335) | Introduction to Computer Graphics (GRD135) | 3 |
Graphic Communications II (I435) | Desktop Publishing (GRD135) | 3 |
Health Occupations-CNA (N205) | Nurse Assistant Skills (NAS101) | 7 |
Health Occupations-EMC (N305) | Medical Terms for Health Occupations (AOS222) | 1 |
Principals of Technology I(I275) | Technical Physics (PHY115) | 4 |
Welding II (I340) | Welding I (WLD 115) and Welding II (WLD120) | 2 4 |