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416 McKinley Ave.
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: 630-463-3800

Science Department

 AP Biology lab fall 2017
Science is as much a method of knowing as it is a body of knowledge. The Science Department at Geneva High School is dedicated to a laboratory approach to science education that will involve each student in the processes of scientific exploration.

The mission of the Science Department is to empower in each of our students, through experiencing the science curriculum, the ability to become effective problem solvers, communicators, collaborative/cooperative workers, and lifelong learners.

This will be accomplished by making students familiar with both the process (scientific method) and content (body of scientific knowledge) of science.

Students will learn how science operates within the context of the various scientific disciplines:
  • students will see science as a creative, human endeavor, not simply the accumulation of facts
  • students will understand and use appropriate lab technologies and procedures to explore and understand the world around them
  • students will understand how to critically evaluate, interpret and represent data 
  • students will learn how scientific problem solving techniques are useful in all areas of life
  • students will realize the importance of the relationship science has with people, cultures, technologies, and the environment

Tom Anderson: Department Chair, Biology and Horticulture

Lucas Kilmer: Physics and General Science

Emma Cole: Biology and AP Environmental Science

Erin Cosky: General Science and Biology

Zach Evans: Physics and AP Physics

Fred Fortman: Earth Science and General Science

Jason Lesatz: Biology and Horticulture

Mary Limberis: Biology and Anatomy and Physiology

Frank Martin: Chemistry
Kelsey Oswald: Chemistry and Physics

Megan Owens: Biology and Honors Biology

Peter Raak: Biology, Honors Biology and AP Biology

Rachel Rickli: Chemsitry and AP Chemistry

Joe Schoen: Earth Science, Astonomy and Advanced Earth Science: Natural Disasters

Pat Sweeney: Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, and Physics