If you are moving out of the Geneva School District, please notify your school secretary of the date of your departure and your new address. It is important that your child’s records are sent to the next school. Your new school will formally request records when you enroll.
If your address is changing within the Geneva Community School District, it will be necessary for you to log into home access center HAC and upload the necessary documentation. It is important to have current information in case emergencies arise and parents need to be contacted. Please call your school secretary for a change to the phone number or emergency contact.
By law, students can finish the school year in the school where they attended the first day of school even if the family should move out of the school’s attendance boundaries. Parents are responsible for transportation.
If a students’ change of residence is due to military service obligation of the student’s legal custodian. The student's residence is deemed to be unchanged for the duration of the custodian’s military service obligation with written request. The district, however, is not responsible for the students’ transportation to or from school.
If, at the time of enrollment, a dependent child of military personnel is housed in temporary housing located outside of the District but will be living within the district within six months after the time of initial enrollment, the child is allowed to enroll, subject to the requirements of State law, must not be charged tuition.