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Program Overview
Geneva CUSD 304 enrolls approximately 200 Prek-12 students representing 23 language groups who are classified as English learners or Emergent Bilinguals (EBs).
The District has two instructional programs intended to serve EL students: the Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Program and Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI). The main purpose is to enable and support Emergent Bilinguals to become competent in comprehension, listening, speaking, reading, and writing through the development of literacy and academic skills, in English. Both programs emphasize the mastery of English language skills as integral parts of the academic goals for all students to participate equitably in school.
Components of our supportive educational experiences:
- All English Language Learners need to be supported at their level of language proficiency.
- Provide an environment that supports and encourages the native language and culture of the student in a non-threatening environment.
- Transition students effectively into the general education classroom using the district curriculum and alignment to state standards through the Illinois Learning Standards and WIDA Standards.
- Use native language as necessary to ensure high-quality access to content area curriculum while simultaneously providing ESL instruction.
- Maintain quality literacy development based on Geneva CUSD 304 literacy belief statements.
- Provide an open and welcoming environment for families and support their ability to actively participate in the students’ overall academic experience.
- Infuse a positive multi-cultural respect for ALL students so that ALL Students have a sense of belonging in their learning environment.
Instructional Delivery Systems - Click to expand
The District has two instructional programs intended to serve EL students: the Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Program and Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI).
The TBE program is a state-mandated program designed to serve students when 20 or more of the same language group are identified. Bilingual Education is an approach to teaching language minority students who are not yet proficient in English. In this approach, a certain amount of instruction is provided through the student’s native language with a strong ESL component, while the student acquires sufficient English proficiency to transition to the general education classroom. Bilingual education is not remedial education (subtractive), but rather an additive program of instruction. Within the TBE Model, there are two program models: Full-Time TBE and Part-Time TBE. Geneva CUSD 304 maintains an Elementary Spanish Bilingual TBE program housed at Harrison Street Elementary School.
The TPI program is a state-mandated program designed to serve students when 19 or fewer students are at one school site. The program is for students whose first language is a language other than English and who have difficulty with written, read, heard, or spoken English. The program provides support to assist the acquisition of English and succeed in academic subjects. The TPI teacher employs an instructional resource delivery system concentrating on ESL instruction to increase English language proficiency in conversation as well as in content area. ESL paraprofessionals staff this program. Native language support is given, where possible, through the use of the native language-speaking staff. This instructional delivery system includes pullout, push-in, and sheltered instruction. The goals of the program are to meet academic achievement standards for grade promotion and to become proficient in English.
Assessment - Click to expand
School districts are required to administer an English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessment to new incoming students identified as coming from a home where a language other than English is spoken to determine eligibility for TBE/TPI services, based on their responses in the mandatory Home Language Survey (HLS), provided at the time of registration. For more information about the screening process, please contact ELL District Coordinator Diana Neukirch at 630-463-3256 or
[email protected].
Students New to Country - Click to expand
As part of our learning community, we welcome students from around the world to participate in a learning environment in each of our schools in the district. We work together in partnership with various professionals to provide the services and experiences needed for the students of Geneva CUSD 304. Each of our schools welcome students with similar guidelines so that we provide and support students and their families.
Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee - Click to expand
Geneva 304 has a Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) to provide recommendations for the programs and to be informed of important decisions to curriculum, staffing, and funding. The committee consists of a majority of bilingual program parents and guardians, and includes TBE teachers, counselors, and community leaders. BPAC meetings are held at Harrison Street Elementary School or virtually, four times a year. Meetings include information about funding, curriculum, and community opportunities and resources. For more information, please reach out to your child’s EL teacher.